The Effect of E-Commerce Marketing Capabilities and Export Experience on Export Performance: The Mediating Role of Distribution Efficiency (Case Study: All Companies Active in Domestic Industries)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate prof, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences, university of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran

2 PhD candidate of Business Management-Marketing Management, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences, university of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran


In this regard, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of e-commerce marketing capabilities and export experience on export performance with the mediating role of distribution efficiency. This study is applied in terms of purpose, descriptive-survey method in terms of descriptive method, and library-field in terms of data collection. The statistical population of the study is the managers of Fars Industry, Mining and Trade Organization, which has a total of 318 people. The sample size is estimated at 158 with Morgan's table. However, considering approximately 10% drop in the questionnaire, 175 people were selected based on simple random sampling method and the questionnaires were distributed among them by referring to Fars Industry, Mining and Trade Organization in person. The data collection tool is a questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaires was evaluated based on the validity of the structure, diagnostic, divergent and convergent and its reliability with Cronbach's alpha coefficient with Smart PLS software. The results showed that e-commerce marketing capabilities, export experience and distribution efficiency have a positive effect on export performance. E-commerce marketing capabilities have a positive effect on the efficiency of distribution. But export experience does not have a significant effect on the efficiency of distribution. Distribution efficiency also plays a mediating role in the relationship between e-commerce marketing capabilities and export performance. But the efficiency of distribution does not play a mediating role in the relationship between export experience and export performance.


Main Subjects

  1. منابع

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