Factors affecting the hedonic values purchases through Instagram


1 Islamic Azad University

2 Tarbiat Modares University


Nowadays, Instagram is one of the social networks which is able to fulfill many predictions on progressing the social networks to the photo-centric sites through sharing the photos. Although Instagram, as a new emerging phenomenon, has been designed for sharing photos and short videos and its purpose has not been selling the goods, its many uses by the users caused to gain the important position for introducing the products of domestic and small brands. On the other hand, the use of Instagram for selling these goods and services has been increased in Iran due to filtering of some sites and lack of users’ access to infrastructure and the proper tools. With the introduction of the goods and services related to fashion, clothing, fashion and cosmetics on Instagram in Iran, economic enterprises are able to use of this medium as their showcase and demonstrate their products.

The present study has been designed for hedonic values purchases in Tehran with the aim to investigate the motives for internet shopping through the Instagram social network. In this research, motivating factors are studied to encourage people to hedonic values purchases through Instagram pages within the society with Instagram page in Tehran and in a sample including 180 people and determine what factors, to what level of importance are effective on the motivation for hedonic values purchase into this social network in Tehran. In this category, five hedonic values are studied in the purchase through Instagram. The written library information has been used for collecting the thematic literature of this research, and questionnaire has been applied to collect data from potential buyers. In addition, the Pearson correlation and regression have been used to confirm or reject the used hypotheses. Results of the study show that the hedonic values purchases through Inst

agram in Tehran happen under the influence of adventure/explore and the factor of social relationships. Therefore, sellers can act more successfully in selling the products and services from the kind of hedonic values by encouraging these two aspects via creating the pages for the introduction of their goods and services on Instagram.
