Identifying and Prioritizing the Factors Influencing on Foreign Brands Consumption in the Fashion Dress Industry (Case Study: Isfahan City)



Today an important aspect of any business, both at domestic and international levels, is determining brand. An important issue in this regard is to employ an effective strategy for brands in different industries such as dress industry which gives companies the ability to connect to the competitive market. So branding can be considered as a form of innovation. Determining a stable brand and based on a correct policy can create brand value. This research has been conducted to identify the factors influencing on foreign brands consumption in the fashion dress industry in Isfahan. The research follows a descriptive-field method and also it serves a practical approach in terms of purpose. The present research has been conducted both in qualitative and quantitative levels using interview and questionnaire. According to statistical data, 57 factors influencing on foreign brands of clothes consumption were classified into 9 main categories including: internal, organizational, individual, social, economic, demographic, advertising, political and cultural factors. The research findings showed that the score of cultural factors from the expert’s viewpoints and also the score of internal factors from the consumer’s viewpoints are the highest scores among all other influencing factors.
