Studying Effective Managerial-Organizational Factors on Sales of Modern Banking Services (Case study: selected branches of Mehr Bank in Isfahan province)



The present survey was conducted to study effective managerial-organizational factors on sales of modern banking services in branches of Mehr Bank in Isfahan province. Having studied managerial-organizational factors using historical study and counseling with university professors and bank experts, the researcher selected eight components including structure, technology, strategy, culture, agile work processes of the corporation, leadership skills, perceptual skills and communicative skills. E-banking is one of the basic necessities of modern services transactions, in other words banks play a considerable role in e-commerce because they provide major conditions to transfer funds and credit instruments in online and electronic system in order to promulgate e-commerce. Indeed, banking in the modern approach is recognized as complement of modern commerce so that if banks do not enjoy electronic transaction system, a huge portion of transactions is disrupted. Generally speaking, e-banking and modern commerce complement each other [6]. This survey was conducted using descriptive-field method. A pilot study was accomplished to determine the sample volume through distributing 30 questionnaires randomly among experts and managers at various levels in Mehr Bank. Statistical sample was estimated equal to 140 persons after estimating p and q ratios and using finite formula.
Effect of managerial-organizational factors on sales of modern banking services in branches of Mehr Bank in Isfahan province was studied in viewpoint of experts and managers following the above model through a defined structure and eight managerial-organizational hypotheses and determining some samples in branches of this bank in the statistical population. Results and findings show:
1- Effect of all five organizational factors on sales of modern banking services in branches of Mehr Bank in Isfahan province is higher than the average level.
2- Effect of all three managerial factors on sales of modern banking services in branches of Mehr Bank in Isfahan province is higher than the average level.
3- Effect of demographic factors on five major organizational factors was studied and results showed work experience has no effect on the independent variable but the factor of organizational status is effective.
4- Effect of demographic factors on three managerial factors was studied and results showed work experience has no effect on the independent variable but the factor of organizational status is effective.
Some recommendations were presented to improve conditions and enhance success of selling modern banking services.
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