Study effective factors on customer compliance in high contact services based on Bandura social - Cognitive theory


1 shahid chamran ahvaz

2 nashr daneshgahi keshvar


In today's competitive world, all market participants ranging from individuals, organizations should be looking for ways to success in the market. The secret to success high contact service providers as important part of market participants is, compliance and follow customers of high contact service providers the instructions and guidance. In this paper, a model based on Bandura social - Cognitive theory has Provided to customer compliance . According Bandura social - Cognitive theory and the nature of high contact service characteristics contain of communication skills, customer orientation, expertise and reputation of service providers and friendship relationship between service providers and customers has significant impact for customer compliance The sample consisted of 345 high-contact service customers in Esfahan with in past one and two years had been care . Of which 154 were male and 191 female. Data analyze using Of the 8.5 LISREL software . The result show that the variables communication skills , reputation, expertise and friendship relationship has a significant positive impact on customer compliance. But customer orientation significant impact on customer compliance were rejected. Also have a significant impact customer compliance on customer satisfaction and anticipation of future
