Evaluating Effective Factors on Impulse Buying at Chain Store in Mashhad:(Case Study: Poruma Chain Store)


1 Ferdowsi university of Mashhad

2 Islamic Azad niversity of Neyshabour


Impulse buying is significant part of sale, therefore, they are very important to retail sellers and marketers. This research is applied research as survey-descriptive due to the method of data gathering. Research statistical population include of Proma shop costomers.
Because of lack of total statistical population, infinit population sampiling and accessible statistical population have been used. Sample size had been calculated using Kokran formula as 267 person. To gather information, questionnaire had been used. To validitate questionnaire reliability, the method of structural and superficial had been used. To assess validity Cronbakh method had been applied and coefficient had been calculated as 0.94, that is significant.In this research, sudden purchase process model had been used. Therefore, there hypo thesises had been provided that are analayzed using structural equation intrapolation. The results of the analysis of the data showed that: store environment include of positive effect on impulse buying (light, color, music, aroma). arrangement and physical appearance(goods accessibility, stall guides, goods arrangement, store appearance and staff cloths), facilities and additional services(restaurant, coffee shop, park and children maintenance center) have no effect on impulse buying.
