Service Quality Roles in Create Brand Preference and Purchase Intention in Banking Services Industry


1 allameh tabatabaei university

2 shahid beheshti university


Nowadays the importance of investing in service quality as a strategic advantage for many businesses, especially service companies is highlighted and identifying how service quality leads to stronger brand equity for the company will be increasingly valuable. However, so far, little research examine the relationship between company service quality and brand equity, hence the importance of attention to the role of service quality to improve brand equity and ultimately improve the customer preference toward the company's brand in comparison with competing brands and increase purchase intention from the company is important factors in attracting and retaining customers to service companies and should be considered as a major factor in service marketing.
This research is of survey type and in order to collect data for the study a questionnaire was developed from various sources in the literature, is used. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, a sample of 384 customers of five selected Bank in Tehran city was chosen. Also, structure equation modeling (SEM), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and two software package "SPSS and LISREL" is used for analyzing the data.
Findings suggest a significant impact of service quality on perceived value and also service quality and perceived value have a significant impact on brand equity and brand equity has also significant impact on brand preference and customers purchase intention and finally, the impact of brand preference on customer purchase intention was significant
