Modeling the Effects of Desirable Image of Organization on Consumers in Service Sector



In marketplace a desirableCustomer image, is a valuable asset for organizations.Managers must adopt appropriate approaches to assess and manage their organization's image in the minds of customers and lead to better achieving organizational goalsto provide their customer satisfaction. Today, organizations are recognizing the importance of mental customersimage and look for creating adistinctive image of them. Mentalimage of the organization has some effect onmultiple factors such as satisfaction, perceived value, perceived quality and customer loyalty .it could cause to gain competitive advantage for organizations, especially in the services sector.
This paper presents a model which is made by the researcher to investigated the effect of organizational image on the behavioral characteristics of consumers such as loyalty, satisfaction, perceived value and quality.the using data was gathered by a questionnaire from customers of Shandiz chain restaurantsin non-random sampling method.This study, based on aim, is an applicable research, and based on data collection method, it is a descriptive research.Also, considering its data analysis method, it is a structural equation based research using PLS software. The results of the study indicate the effective role of image on satisfaction, perceived value, perceived quality and customer loyalty. The indirect positive effects oforganizational image on loyalty bythe mediator role of perceived quality is confirmed but, the mediator role of satisfaction and perceived value is not accepted. Moreover, Other research findings States that satisfaction, perceived value and quality has a positive impact on customer this study, the positive effect of perceived value and quality on customers satisfaction is Confirmed whereas, the Effect of perceived quality on perceived value is not accepted
