Survey on Impact of Public push on Sustainability marketing mix and Sustainability marketing mix on Sustainability marketing success


1 Tehran azad islamic university central tehran brach

2 Tehran central azad islamic researchers and elit


Partaking the movement in reaching a more sustainable planet, organizations should reconsider their marketing strategies according to the social and environmental impacts. Even though, attaining sustainability would become a serious challenge for them, but there exist no other options for the third millennium. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the Impact of public push on the sustainability marketing mix, as well as the effect of sustainability marketing mix on sustainability marketing success. The present Research is categorized as “applied research” in terms of its objective, a “descriptive-peymayeshi” in terms of its essence and the hypothesis, a “Correlational research” in terms of the relationship between the research variables, and is specifically based on Structural Equations Modeling (SEM). Data has been collected from a sample of 385 customers of three chain supermarkets (Refah, Shahrvand, and Etka) through a questionnaire. Descriptive statistics have been used for presenting demographics and the frequency distribution of research data. Structural equation modeling (SEM) has been used for data processing. Finally, the LISREL software has been used for data analysis. The results of the hypothesis test through Structural Equations analysis demonstrate that public push has a direct impact on all the marketing mix components, except for “fair pricing”, as well as an indirect impact on sustainability marketing success. Moreover, within the marketing mix, all components have a positive correlation with the success of sustainability marketing, with only the “fair pricing” component showing a negative correlation.
