The Theory of Antecedents and Consequences of Consumers’ Brand Identification


1 Allameh Tabatabai University

2 Shahid Beheshti University


The aim of this study is mainly to examine antecedents (Brand Prestige, brand differentiation, brand awareness, brand experience and social benefits) and consequences (trust, commitment and Brand Advocacy) of Consumers’ Brand Identification. In line with the management studies, also the relationship between trust and commitment with brand advocacy has been studied. In this regard, and to measure variables and research model, a 34 item questionnaire was designed and distributed to the the sample (n = 400). Results show that Brand Prestige is the major antecedent and Brand Commitment is the major Consequence of Brand Identification. In other words, higher Brand Prestige, Higher Brand Identification that result in higher Brand Commitment. However, The impact of other variables on Brand Identification and the positive impact of trust and commitment on Brand Identification was confirmed.
