Offering a model for measuring service brand equity in the field of services : Testing and implementation in a virtual university.


1 Mehralborz

2 University of Tehran


Nowadays brand in businesses around the world including service provider companies, has a special role and a great importance.Brand equity is also a powerful tool in the marketing competitionthus managing the brand equity measurement is consequential. In this study we are trying to find some effective dimensions of the brand equity in the service firms and companies and after that we are going to offer some significant dimensions as a comprehensive model in education and e-learning at the level of higher education with considering different aspects of the products and services and also with considering the different aspects of service businesses on the services spectrumthen test the model statistically in a virtual university. Data collection was done through a questionnaire distributed to all 1031 faculty, students and staff of Mehralborz university and 300 responses were received. Sampling was done through random method and the sample volume based on Cochran's formula was 280 persons. Cronbach's alpha was used to ensure the reliability of the questionnaire and structural equation modeling was used to test the model. The consequences of statistical analysis showed that among the factors related to the customers, just experiences and psychological characteristics of faculty, students and staff are effective on the service brand equity of Mehralborz university.And also among the factors related to the brand awareness,just marketing activities are effective on the service brand equity of Mehralborz uiversity. Among the characteristics offered for the brand image,just symbolic characteristics and servicescape and also servise provider characteristics are effective on the service brand equity of Mehralborz university.
