Associate Professor, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran
University of Tehran
While it seems there are just very few studies on branding process of mega projects of entertainment, residential, tourism and sport, branding is one of the most vital factors in these types of projects. In this paper an attempt has been made to devise a branding model for these types of projects corresponding to Persian characteristics. Researches on this subject mostly focus on place selling, place marketing and tourism destination branding and rarely such projects have been considered. Since in Iran, there is not any special model, the Grounded Theory approach has been used for hypothesizing and discovering the model’s aspects. Deep interviews corresponding to the approach have been conducted. The interviewees consist of scholars, owners and founders, branding and marketing managers, subprojects managers, sales, economic and financial managers, superior consultants, and managers of Tourism Board Organization. Findings imply that the main phenomenon is branding process of mega projects of entertainment, residential, tourism and sport. In addition, causal conditions, context conditions, and intervening conditions are explored, and eventually result of branding for these types of projects is introduced as an intact model.
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Ali Divandari; Amir Ekhlassi. "Devising a Branding Model for Multi-Purpose Mega Projects Localization for Iran: Implementing and Testing in a Multi-Purpose Project". New Marketing Research Journal, 2, 2, 2012, 1-20.
Divandari, A., Ekhlassi, A. (2012). 'Devising a Branding Model for Multi-Purpose Mega Projects Localization for Iran: Implementing and Testing in a Multi-Purpose Project', New Marketing Research Journal, 2(2), pp. 1-20.
Divandari, A., Ekhlassi, A. Devising a Branding Model for Multi-Purpose Mega Projects Localization for Iran: Implementing and Testing in a Multi-Purpose Project. New Marketing Research Journal, 2012; 2(2): 1-20.