Proposing a Model for Explaining Retailers Based Brand Equity

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Persian Gulf University

2 Master Student of Business Administration, Persian Gulf University


There are plenty of researches that have investigated brand equity from consumer’s perspective, but rarely researchers have investigated brand equity from the viewpoint of retailers. However, a large number of products is not sold directly to consumers, but is delivered indirectly through retailers.  Retailers also have the ability to influence consumers’ purchase decisions, significantly. The purpose of this study is to investigate retailer based brand equity and to identify key components affecting it. Required data has been collected using a questionnaire distributed to ceramic tile retailers in Yazd and Shiraz. Structural Equation Modeling and Partial Least Squares have been used as statistical approaches for testing hypotheses. Findings imply that manufacturing support, consumer expectation and financial benefit have significant effect on retailer based brand equity through brand satisfaction.


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