the studyof the effect of varaiety seking and involvement in purchase intention on customers attitude ( customers satisfaction ,loyalty,intent toward,chenging the brand)


1 University of Isfahan

2 The Research Group of Tourism Strategic Planning of Fardis


This study aimed to investigate the relationship between customer’s satisfaction, loyalty and intention to switch family restaurant’s brand by considering the modifying impact of customer’s variety seeking and purchase decision involvement. With this regard, statistical population consisted of family restaurants customers in Isfahan, municipality 3, from which 380 people were considered using simple random sampling. This was an applicable research in terms of its purpose, and a descriptive-survey research in terms of its methodology. Data were collected through questionnaires as well as library resources. Validity and reliability of the questionnaire were confirmed through content validity and Cronbach alpha coefficient (0.876), respectively. Having used some statistical tests like structural equation and Z-test through SPSS and Lisrel software, hypotheses were examined. The result indicated a significant effect of customer’s satisfaction on his/her loyalty and intention to switch family restaurant’s brand. Furthermore, customer’s variety seeking orientation had a significant effect on the relationship between his/her loyalty and intention to switch brand. Besides this, customer’s involvement in purchase intention had a significant effect on the relationship between his/her satisfaction and loyalty in family restaurants. On the other hand, the results indicated that customer’s variety seeking did not have any significant effect not only on the relationship between his/her satisfaction and loyalty, but also on the relationship between his/her satisfaction and intention to switch family restaurant’s brand. Ultimately, customer’s involvement in purchase intention did not have any significant effect not only on the relationship between his/her loyalty and intention to switch family restaurant’s brand, but also on the relationship between his/her satisfaction and intention to switch family restaurant’s brand.
