Desisgning customer agility model based on dynamic capabilities: Effect of IT Competence, Entrepreneurial Alertness And Market Acuity

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor , Faculty of Management of financial Institutions,University of Economic Sciences

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Management & Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 Professor, Faculty of Management & Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Today organizations face great environmental turbulence. High levels of environmental turbulence can paralyze a firm’s operations. Actually outputs of organization process in such environments depend on the firm’s ability to change management and its flexibility. Since one of the important changes in the turbulent environments is changing of needs and preferences of customers and also based on new marketing approach, in order to consider customer's needs, customer agility has been identified as the vital competency for the survival of organizations. Given the critical role of customer agility in turbulent competitive environment, this concept has attracted many researchers of management science in recent years. Therefore, it is vital for organizations to find how to achieve this important capability and it is important to note that very few researches have been done in this regard. Since one of the important tools for achieving customer agility in the organization is dynamic capabilities, therefore in this research the model of formation of customer agility in organization based on dynamic capabilities has been proposed and examined in electronics industry of Iran. The model includes IT competencies, entrepreneurial and market acuity for improving the output of organizational process. This model has been developed based on three management areas of strategic management literature related to dynamic capabilities and the literature of   entrepreneurship and information technology. Findings of the sample approve the research model. In addition, it is concluded that dynamic capabilities of the organization will help shaping customer agility and customer agility has a positive effect on quality and efficiency of the process output.


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