Investigating Intention to e-shopping Based on Expansion of Technology Acceptance Model

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, University of Isfahan

2 M.A. Student of Business Management, University of Isfahan


Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is one of the most influential measurement approaches for relating design alternatives to user acceptance of new information technologies or systems. The emphasis of TAM is on perceived usefulness and ease of use. The main objective of this paper is to examine intention of the factors affecting electronic shopping (e-shopping) using the approach of expanded TAM. In this paper, in order to develop the TAM, security, consistency and normative beliefs have been used as extra aspects that have significant impact on the acceptance of e-shopping. In this survey based study, 280 student of the University of Isfahan have been selected using random stratified sampling method. Respondents have been asked to fill questionnaires of TAM developed by Teylor and Todd (1995), compatibility and normative beliefs developed by Vijayasarathy (2004) and security developed by Salisbury (2001). Findings indicate that security, ease of use, consistency and usefulness are significant predictors of attitudes toward intention to e-shopping and normative beliefs has a positive effect on intention to e-shopping. Therefore, based on the determined factors influencing e-shopping, such factors can be improved towards encouraging users to do more e-shopping.


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