Keywords = Brand
The Experience of Tasting Different Brands of Non-alcoholic Beer among Runners Athletes ‎from the Neuromarketing Perspective

Volume 13, Issue 2, September 2023, Pages 65-84


Houriyeh Dehghanpouri ‎; Masoud Darabi; Seyed Morteza Azimzadeh ‎; Mojtaba Rajabi

Designing a brand coolness Model with the Foundation Data Method

Volume 10, Issue 1, January 2020, Pages 83-104


seyyed najemddin mousavi; saber taghipour; masome momenimofrad

Identification and Explanation of Effective Propellers in the Commercial Branding of Industrial Products in ‎Lorestan Province

Volume 9, Issue 3, December 2019, Pages 101-120


Amir Ghafourian shagerdi; seyyed najemddin mousavi; Ali shariat nejad

An investigation of the Impact of Promotion Strategy on the relationship between Communication Tools and Consumer Based Brand Equity (CBBE) in Iran Food Industry

Volume 6, Issue 0, May 2016, Pages 1-18


Mohammadtaghi Taghavifard; Mahmood Mohammadian; Vahid Nasehi far; Vahid Nasehi far; Mahmood Mohammadian; Amir Ghafoorian Shagerdi

The Study of Polarizing Brands in Iran Mobile Handset Market

Volume 5, Issue 3, January 2016, Pages 183-198

seyyed arman Rastad; Azade Omati; Arman Ahmadizad

Effect of green marketing mix elements on customers loyalty to brand Naghsh e Jahan Sugar co.

Volume 4, Issue 2, September 2014, Pages 111-124

Ali rashidpoor; Ali safari; somayyeh hosseinzadeh

E-Brand as a Strategic ICT-Based Leverage for Iranian Airline Companies in Religious Tourism's Industry

Volume 3, Special Issue, April 2013, Pages 1-12

Hossein Rezaei Dolatabadi; Majid Mohammad shafiee; Arash Shahin; Ali Sanayei

Surveying the relationship between brand equity and brand-customer personality congruency

Volume 2, Issue 4, March 2013, Pages 63-81

Shahriar Azizi; Shahram Jamali; Morteza Rezaie

Analyzing the Influence of Customers’ Perception of Marketing Mix on Brand Equity: The Case of Razavi Nutritive Products

Volume 1, Issue 2, September 2011, Pages 93-104

Habibollah Doaei; Mostafa Kazemi; Mansorah Hosani