Keywords = Satisfaction
The Effect of Cognitive Absorption and websites features on Satisfaction and User Continuous Usage of the Social Network (case study: Facebook)

Volume 4, Issue 2, September 2014, Pages 95-110

sahar naseri; kamran zahedfar; Sayed Mohammad Noepasand Asil; Mohsen Akbari

Behavioral differences between the two groups of users and non-users of self-service technologies

Volume 4, Issue 1, July 2014, Pages 136-119

Saeed Jalalian; Amin Mojoodi; Hossein Vazifehdust

Determinants of Intention to Purchase Online Airline Ticket

Volume 4, Issue 1, July 2014, Pages 152-137

alireza Hadadian; alireza Hadadian; alireza Hadadian; Amirhossein Bagherieh

Identify and examine the factors affecting brand loyalty: brand mobile phones Study

Volume 4, Issue 3, May 2014, Pages 17-38

manigeh Bahrainizadeh; Adel PourDehghan

A Model of E-Loyalty and Word-Of-Mouth based on e-trust in E-banking services (Case Study: Mellat Bank)

Volume 4, Special Issue, April 2014, Pages 101-114

Nafiseh Salehnia; Alireza Eshaghi; Maryam Saki; Monireh salehnia

Investigating Brand Social Identity Perspective and Its Influence on Brand Loyalty Development The Case of Kaleh Dairy Company

Volume 2, Issue 2, September 2012, Pages 87-106

Zohre shahrokh dehdashti; Mehdi Jafarzadeh kenari; Alireza Bahkshizadeh

Review and Identification of Critical Success Factors in Adoption of Mobile Banking by Customers

Volume 1, Issue 3, December 2011, Pages 99-108

Mojhdeh Hashemian; MohammadTaghi Issai