Author = SaeedaArdakani, Saeed
Designing and Validating a Sustainable Marketing Model in the Construction Industry

Volume 14, Issue 3, December 2024, Pages 53-76


Batoul Malek mohammadi; Saeid Saeida ardekani; Amirreza Konjkav monfared

Identifying and Understanding harm to Consumers with a Sense of Perceived Victim Using Grounded Theory

Volume 12, Issue 4, March 2023, Pages 113-132


Fatemeh ZareZadeh Mehrizi; Mehdi Sabokro; Saeid Saeida Ardekani

Influence of store image on purchase intention: The moderating role of trust and perceived risk

Volume 5, Issue 2, September 2015, Pages 53-72

saeid Saeida Ardekani; neda jahanbazi

Analytical comparison of Technology Acceptance Model and theory of reasoned action about mobile advertising acceptance

Volume 3, Issue 4, March 2014, Pages 181-196

Fateme Nikzad; Saeed Saeeda Ardakani; Mohamad Tabatabaei Nasab