Author = Akbari, Mohsen
The influence of consumers' beliefs on their impulse buying in an online environment

Volume 5, Issue 3, January 2016, Pages 21-34

Nazani Amiri; Sayed Mohammad Nopasand Asil; Mohsen Akbari

The Effect of Cognitive Absorption and websites features on Satisfaction and User Continuous Usage of the Social Network (case study: Facebook)

Volume 4, Issue 2, September 2014, Pages 95-110

sahar naseri; kamran zahedfar; Sayed Mohammad Noepasand Asil; Mohsen Akbari

Empirical Investigating of Creative Advertising Effects on Purchase Intention: Mediating Role of Attitude toward Ad and Attitude Toward Brand

Volume 4, Issue 4, May 2014, Pages 181-194

Roghayeh Hoshivar; Arezoo Khoorsand nezhad; Mohsen Akbari; Mahmoud Moradi