Author = Hassagholi pour, Tahmoures
Identification of Online and Offline Drivers of Customer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE) in Telecommunications Companies

Volume 14, Issue 2, September 2024, Pages 149-170


Osama Aliedani; Tahmoures Hassagholi pour; Manouchehr Ansari

Social Media-Based Marketing Strategies in Active Small Businesses in the Field of Tourism

Volume 11, Issue 1, April 2021, Pages 201-216


Amirehossein Panahandeh; tahmoures hassagholi pour; Hasan Boudlaei; seyed abolghasem mira

Developing a Model of Policyholder's Surrender Behavior‏:‏‎ A Study Based on the Grounded Theory

Volume 9, Issue 4, May 2020, Pages 33-54


Hosseinali Bakhtiar Nasrabadi; Tahmoures Hassangholi pour; Seyed Abolghasem Mira; AbouAli Vedadhir

Strategic Pricing and its Effect on Company Performance

Volume 9, Issue 1, May 2019, Pages 1-14


hossein baloochi; Morteza Maleki Min Bash Razgah; Davod Feiz; Tahmoreth Hasangholipour

Phenomenology in Consumer Research

Volume 4, Issue 3, May 2014, Pages 107-132

ahmad Ghodselahi; amirreza rohani; Tahmoures Hasangholipour

Determining The Personality Of Selected Brands Through The Archetypes And Explaining The Way Of Perception Of Their Consumers

Volume 2, Issue 4, March 2013, Pages 1-21

Tahmoures Hassongholipour; Mojtaba Amiri; Naghme Sheibani