Author = bahreynizadeh, manige
The effect of strategic orientation on export performance in the exportin company Bushehr

Volume 6, Issue 4, February 2017, Pages 125-140


abdolmajid mosleh; manige bahreynizadeh; SAMIRA KARIMI GHAHFAROKHI

Personal drivers and factors influencing the attitude toward mobile advertising: A Study on Mobile phone users

Volume 4, Issue 1, July 2014, Pages 20-1

Adel Pourdehghan; Abdolmajid Mosleh; Manijeh Bahrainizadeh

Identify and examine the factors affecting brand loyalty: brand mobile phones Study

Volume 4, Issue 3, May 2014, Pages 17-38

manigeh Bahrainizadeh; Adel PourDehghan

The impact of aspects of organizational learning on competitive intelligence in knowledge-based enterprises

Volume 4, Issue 4, May 2014, Pages 57-70

javad dokuhaki; Abdolmajid Mosleh; Manijeh Bahrainizadeh; Manijeh Bahrainizadeh; Abdolmajid Mosleh

Studying the Influence of Market Orientation on Job Attitude The Case of Commercial Banks in Bushehr

Volume 2, Issue 1, June 2012, Pages 149-166

Manijeh Bahrainizadeh; Majid Esmailpour; Eesa Shahniaee