Author = Dehdashti Shahrokh, Zohreh
Exploring Instagram User Motivations: An Analysis Using the Laddering Interview and ACV Technique

Volume 14, Issue 1, June 2024, Pages 1-20


Zohreh Dehdashti Shahrokh; Mahdi Bashirpour; Seyedeh Niloufar Mousavi

A Meta-Synthesis of the Integrated Model of Customer Value Co-Destruction and Co-Creation

Volume 13, Issue 4, March 2023, Pages 1-26


Yazdan Rahmatabadi; Zohre Dehdashti Shahrokh; Vahid Nasehifar; Mohammad Reza Karimi Alavijeh

The Multilevel Model of Customer Experience Management in E-Banking Services

Volume 11, Issue 2, July 2021, Pages 1-26


vahid nasehi far; zohreh dehdashti Shahrokh; mahmoud mohammadian; Mostafa Allahverdi

The effect of service convenience on word - of - mouth and repurchase intention

Volume 5, Issue 2, September 2015, Pages 15-36

khadijeh aghili; zohre dehdashti shahrokh

Investigating Brand Social Identity Perspective and Its Influence on Brand Loyalty Development The Case of Kaleh Dairy Company

Volume 2, Issue 2, September 2012, Pages 87-106

Zohre shahrokh dehdashti; Mehdi Jafarzadeh kenari; Alireza Bahkshizadeh