Author = mohamad rahim esfidani
Designing a Typology for Visual Rhetoric with a Focus on the Interaction of Metaphor and Metonymy in Print Advertising

Volume 9, Issue 1, May 2019, Pages 125-144


Zahra Kashanizadeh; mohamad rahim esfidani; masoud Keimasi; Mitra Manavi Rad

Designing a Model for B2B Relationship Marketing in the Parsian Tourism Business Network

Volume 7, Issue 4, February 2018, Pages 23-40


Mohamad rahim Esfidani; Mohsen Nazari; mohammad aghaei; Hamed Abdolali

Investigation of social shopping for fashion in apparel market of Tehran

Volume 4, Issue 2, September 2014, Pages 173-190

Maryam Karimi Davijani; Mohsen Nazari; Mohsen Nazari; MohammadRahim Esfidani

Identifying & Classification of Criteria in Choosing a Bank By Customers: Case Study at Bank Mellat

Volume 3, Issue 2, September 2013, Pages 135-156

Mohammad Reza Parsafard; Marzieh soltani; Hamzeh Mohammadi; Mohammad Rahim Esfidani; Mohammad Ali Haghighi